The Beauty of Little Things

I am no one to preach but this is my experience of life so far and i want to share some things I have understood and learnt. 1. Whatever has happened in the past if it still haunts you, you are already dead. Whatever will happen in the future if it is already troubling you,Continue reading “The Beauty of Little Things”

Perception to happiness.

It is how we perceive others which determines our behaviour towards them. A few times even if the person  whom we care so much for damages our feelings irreparably, it is our  perception of them which we should  never let get damaged. It is upto us to be indifferent and not reply rudeness with rudeness,Continue reading “Perception to happiness.”

Introspection- looking inside the soul

While we are looking outside  to the world rich with multitudes of colours and phenomenon we are enchanted with its beauty. To say the least every creation, man-made or natural is stupefying and beautiful beyond description but I have found it in myself and among many others who introspect that it is when we learnContinue reading “Introspection- looking inside the soul”