Life is Beautiful !

Few days ago, on 11th October 2015,on my 23rd birthday, I experienced few things which changed my perspective towards life completely.

I learnt that the deepest truths of life spring up from the simple things. Extraordinary hides among the ordinary. Every person sees the world his own way, considers himself the centre of his universe. We are living among parallel universes. Whatever there is, it is right before our eyes, it is only upto us what we will see for ourselves.
I learnt that the only way to be truly happy is to live completely in the present, without a regret about the past or the slightest worry about the future. If you are not happy ‘here’ and ‘now’ you can never ever be happy.
I learnt that one must realize their own truth, their own version of life, their own perspective to see things. I learnt that life is not what it seems and it is a gift which we must cherish and make use of. I learnt that time is not permanent and space changes every single moment.
I learnt that their is no end to desires and true satisfaction comes from inside.

I learnt that every single day is beautiful. I learnt to see the way the world is “extraordinarily beautiful.”

Published by Mayank Mishra

I am a journalist and a freelance writer. An enthusiastic writer and a seeker. Everything about words and sentences fascinates me. I like to read books of different genres. I have a passion to learn and impart new things.

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